Sunday, 30 December 2012

Benefits of Drinking Water Amazing

There have been many people who understand the benefits of minur water and water for the body functions. But there are amazing things out of the water on the human body that not many people know. What is it?
Water has an important contribution to the body and almost every cell needs it to function properly. Approximately 55-80 percent of the human body consists of water and this water can be lost from the body at rest, breathing, sweating and physical activity sharing. For that one has to know how many doses are sufficient to consume the water to avoid dehydration or excessive.

There are four things that most people do not know about the functions and benefits of drinking water for the body as quoted from AskMen, Wednesday (22/12/2010), namely:

1. Water can improve mental performance
If a person can not remember an item or what he wants to write, there is a possibility the brain experiencing drought. About 80 percent brain tissue made up of water, so if you are dehydrated can reduce short-term memory performance and distraction. It is important to keep the water intake in the brain. In the brain, water carrying proteins and enzymes that help provide nutrients. When there is dehydration, then the fluid will become slower so mental performance is directly affected.

2. Water can prevent critical illness
Water is known to help reduce the amount of free radicals and toxins in the body. Although often make people alternating showers, but will keep the colon and bladder stay healthy and make it avoid cancer. Water also helps to reduce the amount of excess salt in the body, but too much salt is known to lead to high blood pressure which can lead to heart attack or stroke. In addition, water is a major constituent of cartilage. Because the water in the body when excessive or insufficient, then the friction around the joint will be reduced which makes a person avoid arthritis.

3. Water can help you lose weight
Water is known to be an appetite suppressant as well as speed up your metabolism, so you burn calories also growing. Research has shown that after ingestion of two cups, will help you burn calories 30 percent faster.

4. Water to prevent cavities
Tooth decay is generally derived from blunting acid that eats away at the enamel. This acid can be neutralized by saliva or saliva and contains special minerals that help repair tooth. During the body hydrated, your body will produce enough saliva to keep your teeth and prevent cavities.
Someone usually lose about 2-3 glasses of water through breathing regular and one glass through sweat. When coupled with the water that comes out when in the shower and exercise, it is estimated that the body needs 8 glasses of water per day. Therefore try to meet the needs of body fluids by consuming enough water.

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